The fork in the road

The choice of adoption did not come lightly on our hearts. We were not “called.” There was no whisper from God. No tap on the shoulder. The universe did not show us some mystical sign.

I always thought I would. Always. I can remember asking my parents as a child to adopt a sister.

I didn’t know if it would have ever been Adam and I’s plan together.

What we did know is that Adam and I both love to parent. We really like it. We like learning about parenting. We like that our lives promote togetherness with our children.

What we did know is that there was a need. We *knew* that the orphan crisis that is all over our own country and the world was out there. We *knew* babies, toddlers, children, and teens quite literally die from malnourishment, lack of stimulation and no attachment.

We *knew* we could help. That is what we felt. Our hearts literally could no longer take it. Because… we *knew.*

We *knew* what the consequences of our actions *could* mean.

We said “no” once. But then late last May we stood again at the fork in the road and chose the one that said “yes.” Our hearts we ready. We are ready for a path of complete uncertainty. A path that truly is completely out of our comfort zones. A path that we know will change our lives forever. We recognized that we could do hard things. And this my friends, will be hard. Hard for us, hard for Leo and Magnolia and hard for that sweet little boy halfway across the world.

This will be the hardest thing we have ever done and we can feel the weight of it.


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