
“Mommy, will Maggie and I get to fly on an airplane to get D?”

People have asked if Leo and Magnolia have an understanding of adoption and know that D is coming home to live with us. Magnolia no, Leo yes. I think some.

He does not always ask questions about him but when he does it always is very purposeful, thoughtful and totally out of the blue. Tonight, at dinner, Leo asked if he and Maggie were coming with us to get D. I told him it was a great question but he would be staying here with Nana and Papa. We talked about how we will have to go twice and the first time we cannot bring him home. He, of course, wanted to know why he couldn’t come home the first time and what things we had to do so he could come home. So we talked about our government and Bulgaria’s government. He, of course, followed with “I don’t want any more kids.” Oh, sweet Leo. BUT he also wants us to bring him back two things… 2 firetrucks preferably pink and he’s hoping Nana and Papa will take him to target to get something. So he is looking forward to that. :)

For the past six months he has been thinking…

“What will D have in his stocking?”

“What should get D for Christmas… he likes balls!”

“Can I sit in the back seat?”... When you get a booster seat... “So another kid will sit here?”

“When will our new kid be here? “What's his name? What does he look like?”

“Can we watch the videos?”

“But you don’t have a baby in your tummy?”

“Does D live over there?” (referring to some houses on our drive to pre-school)

“Can we take a boat to see him?”

“I am getting a brother!” He told his preschool teachers.

“How old will D be?... I want him to be four.”

“I did not know that we will get to teach him to walk… I did not know we get to teach him things.”

Gotta give kids credit for their hearts can be softened too.


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