Off we GO!
Friday, November 13th we were suppose to leave for Bulgaria. We got two COVID tests on Wednesday in order to fly out on Friday. When we left for the airport we still did not have our results. We had been told that we can declare that we would quarantine until we received our results. Well, Delta refused to let us fly without printed out negative COVID results, we had heard from other that they could show their results on their phones. This was only one of the issues Delta had with us. The other issue was they did not believe our documentation that we were allowed to fly- despite having the documentation right in front of them. They also thought we needed a visa and you don't ever need one to enter Bulgaria. We finally got ahold on the supervisor at he US Embassy in Sofia and she had to convince the Delta supervisor that we were able to fly. Its worth noting that not a single other family has had any issues flying. We felt stuck and totally hopeless and all we could do is rebook our flight and get new COVID tests.
So we rebooked and called every hospital, Walgreens, rite aid, etc. to get a COVID test. Luckily Vancouver Clinic came through with their Urgent Care department. They swabbed us and the nurse walked them to the lab so we could get our results quicker. We needed them to land in Bulgaria because the two tests we took on Wednesday will be way past the 72 hour mark once we land in Sofia.
This morning we were able to get checked in. It still took a little effort but we were able to, thankfully. We also were next to someone checking in internationally and all he did was show his approval to enter the country on his phone and his COVID test. We are so mind-boggled that it was okay for him and not for us.
Our one day delay does not change our pick up trip much. We will go from the airport drop off our stuff at our Airbnb, repack a small bag and then drive 3 hours to Sliven. Sunday night we will spend in Sliven and then on 9AM Monday morning we will pick up Kit! Then immediately travel back to Sofia for his Passport photo. We really wanted a day to rest, go grocery shopping and get set up for our little guy but it is what it is. As long as we make our flight to Paris we should be okay... at least we hope. Kit has one more sleep in his orphanage. We have no idea what he will think or feel but his orphanage life is all he has ever known and it rips our hearts out that he has to say good bye to the people who have raised him. We know that he would be transferred in January and it brings us peace knowing that we can provide permanency for him, a family for him and unconditional love. We can wait to meet him, see him, hold him and finally start getting to know him. We have been matched with him for 400 days and finally it actually feels like he will get to come home with us!
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