Paternity Leave Is Almost Over...
It is absolutely insane how quickly time is going by... My paternity leave is over when I'm back to work full-time on Wednesday, February 3. When we informed the kiddos during dinner last night, Leo and Magnolia just replied with, "Okay, okay." or something to that extent. But it'll be harder for Kit to understand. Abby and I have taken on parenting duties together, that's all he knows, from the moment we picked up him on November 16. It'll have been 79 days. I know that Abby will find a routine similar to what we're doing now, and that may be a transition in the short-term, but that things will settle in to just how they have been. Between doctor's appointments, and taking care of things since I've been not working, things have felt structured but also flexibile. I'm just really thankful for the bonding time I've been given to be around as often as I have been for our little guy's time here at home, it is so essential. SO! Ho...